Not that there’s anything wrong with it… - Macenstein

Not that there’s anything wrong with it…

Posted by Helper Monkey

Hey, a couple quick questions:
Do you have an iSight?
Do you have an AIM or address?
Do you use iChat or AIM?
Are you gay?

Well, if the answer to those four questions was a resounding (if effeminate sounding) “yes�, then do we have a treat for you! is a site meant to promote video chat in the gay community. The site boasts nearly 6000 members. There are two membership packages available, standard (free), and VIP membership (a “small� paypal donation is required). We have no idea what the VIP membership costs, as you first have to login in as a member to donate, and we’re just not comfortable enough with our sexuality to register. Not that there’s anything wrong with that!

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