Microsoft officially drops Internet Explorer for Mac - Macenstein

Microsoft officially drops Internet Explorer for Mac

Posted by Dr. Macenstein

In what should come as a shock to no one, Microsoft has announced plans to officially remove Internet Explorer from their Mactopia website on January 31st, 2006.

While there are plenty of other web browsers available for the Mac which provide a better internet browsing experience than IE does, there are still a few nagging sites that just don’t display right or allow you to log on at all as a Mac user without Internet Explorer. Recently, Firefox has done a pretty good job mimicking IE to fool these sites, but it’s not quite perfect yet. And while development of Internet Explorer has stalled for well over a year now, it can still be a useful tool.

To that end, we recommend you all rush out and at least download the installer from the Mactopia website (if not actually install it) just in case.

From the Microsoft Mactopia website:

In June 2003, the Microsoft Macintosh Business Unit announced that Internet Explorer for Mac would undergo no further development, and support would cease in 2005. In accordance with published support lifecycle policies, Microsoft will end support for Internet Explorer for Mac on December 31st, 2005, and will provide no further security or performance updates.

Additionally, as of January 31st, 2006, Internet Explorer for the Mac will no longer be available for download from Mactopia. It is recommended that Macintosh users migrate to more recent web browsing technologies such as Apple’s Safari.

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