A scanner that plays music? - Macenstein

A scanner that plays music?

Posted by Igor

From the “People with too much free time� files….

Macenstein reader Jeff sent us this amazing video of an HP ScanJet 4c’s SCL that has been hacked to play Beethoven’s Fur Elise. This is accomplished using an undocumented feature in the scanner’s programming called “PLAY TUNEâ€?, which causes the various notes to be generated simply by varying the speed at which the scanner’s motor turns.

If you happen to own this ancient scanner (circa 1997) and wish to try this out yourself, you can download a program called ScanJetPlay written to help you compose your own scanner masterpieces. While they make no guarantees that this won’t ruin your scanner, odds are your 1997 HP ScanJet 4c’s SCL is almost useless at this point anyway.

Sadly, there is no Mac support for this incredibly useful program, but I would assume it is only a matter f time before Apple buys this app and ports it to the Mac as a new part of iLief ’07.

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