Internet Explorer for Mac no longer available for download, Microsoft recommends Safari - Macenstein

Internet Explorer for Mac no longer available for download, Microsoft recommends Safari

Posted by Dr. Macenstein

Last December we reported that Microsoft had announced they would drop support for the Mac version of their Internet Explorer web browser on January 31, 2006. Well, today is February 1st, and true to their word, Microsoft has pulled IE from their Mactopia downloads page.

One interesting note here is Microsoft (in their press release) recommends Apple users looking to explore the internet switch to Safari instead. Microsoft is even nice enough to provide a link to the Safari support page on Apple’s website. Obviously Microsoft views Firefox as more of a threat to its market share than Safari, so I suppose it is not unexpected they would not list it as a potential candidate to take up IE’s mantle.

From the Mactopia website:


In June 2003, the Microsoft Macintosh Business Unit announced that Internet Explorer for Mac would undergo no further development, and support would cease in 2005. In accordance with published support lifecycle policies, Microsoft ended support for Internet Explorer for Mac on December 31st, 2005, and is not providing any further security or performance updates.

Accordingly, as of January 31st, 2006, Internet Explorer for the Mac is no longer available for download from Microsoft. It is recommended that Macintosh users migrate to more recent web browsing technologies such as Apple’s Safari.

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