Intel Mac mini running Windows XP up for action on eBay - Macenstein

Intel Mac mini running Windows XP up for action on eBay

Posted by Helper Monkey

Macenstein reader Branjelina has alerted us that just a day after the announcement that a hacker has successfully gotten Windows XP to boot on an Intel Mac, someone has put up for auction on eBay an Apple Mac Mini Duo Core 1.6Ghz set up to boot both OS X 10.4 Tiger and Windows XP (or so they claim). The starting bid is $1000, and the auction includes disks for both Windows XP and Mac OS X. The mini ships with the standard 512 MB of RAM and 80 GB hard drive Apple ships.

We have no idea if it is even legal to sell a machine that has been thusly hacked, but selling the OS disks is likely to anger some folks at Cupertino and Redmond.

One Response to “Intel Mac mini running Windows XP up for action on eBay”
  1. Wolfman Mac says:

    Why would that be illegal?
    Because the Windows is OEM?
    Can you resell your OS disks?

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