iTMS adds free episode of TOP CHEF, more SHOWTIME content - Macenstein

iTMS adds free episode of TOP CHEF, more SHOWTIME content

Posted by Dr. Macenstein

The iTunes Music Store has added a couple more seemingly odd content choices today. The first is a free pilot episode of TOP CHEF from the BRAVO network. Offering a free pilot episode of a show seems to be the new fad for networks interested in drumming up some buzz for a show (mainly because people like myself will download just about ANYTHING if its free).

If after watching TOP CHEF you feel the need to prove you are still “all man�, then perhaps you would like to download SHOWTIME’s Super Middle Weight Fight featuring Lacy vs. Calzaghe.

Both these shows seem like slightly odd niche choices for the iTunes store, particularly the boxing. I’m not sure how many iTunes users are fight fans, but I am even less sure of how many of those fight fans want to watch said fight on the iPod’s diminutive screen. Still, it is nice to see the iTunes Music Store becoming more diversified in their selection, and since it likely costs a network almost nothing to compress a show and throw it up on the store, I think we can look forward to even more specialized offerings in the near future.

5 Responses to “iTMS adds free episode of TOP CHEF, more SHOWTIME content”
  1. Alicia says:

    “want to watch said fight on the iPod’s diminutive screen” …

    Why is it that so many people get this wrong. Just because you buy it on iTMS doesn’t mean you have to watch it on an iPod. How about your full size monitor on your computer? Or take an episode with you on a laptop. Viewing on the iPod is an option, but not the only way to watch a video from iTMS, just as you can buy music from iTMS and never own an iPod.

  2. Alicia,
    I think most people make this generalization because most people do not have cataracts.
    Therefore, most people cannot accept the idea of watching blurry soft video on a big screen.
    The larger portion of the public who DO INDEED have cataracts (age 68-110) make up a very small portion of the iTunes user base, and of the computing base in general.

  3. Wil says:

    “Just because you buy it on iTMS doesn’t mean you have to watch it on an iPod.”

    You got there before I could. I’ve grown tired from reading the assumption that all content is only viewable on the ipod screen. I have no ipod, yet I download video content from itunes on a weekly basis.

  4. dave says:


    Most people don’t get this wrong, it’s just the very vocal elitists make it appear that way. Pity them.

  5. Top Chef Fan says:

    Easy on the free downloads … I’m still catching H*** for the ad program that ended up in this machine! Isn’t it hard to watch boxing on such a small screen … I can only imagine what TC dishes would look like.

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