Apple releases Boot Camp Public Beta, allowing Intel Macs to run Windows XP - Macenstein

Apple releases Boot Camp Public Beta, allowing Intel Macs to run Windows XP

Posted by Dr. Macenstein

Well, despite spring-like temperatures here in the Northeast, it appears hell has actually frozen over. Apple today released a new piece of software called Boot Camp, which allows users to dual boot their Macs in either Mac OS X OR Windows!

Apple claims this functionality will be built in to the next major release of OS X (named Leopard) but for whatever reason, they felt the need to release a beta version of te technology now.

The 83 MB download is available now for download.

From Apple’s site:

More and more people are buying and loving Macs. To make this choice simply irresistible, Apple will include technology in the next major release of Mac OS X, Leopard, that lets you install and run the Windows XP operating system on your Mac. Called Boot Camp (for now), you can download a public beta today.

As elegant as it gets

Boot Camp lets you install Windows XP without moving your Mac data, though you will need to bring your own copy to the table, as Apple Computer does not sell or support Microsoft Windows. Boot Camp will burn a CD of all the required drivers for Windows so you don’t have to scrounge around the Internet looking for them.

Run XP natively
Once you’ve completed Boot Camp, simply hold down the option key at startup to choose between Mac OS X and Windows. (That’s the “alt� key for you longtime Windows users.) After starting up, your Mac runs Windows completely natively. Simply restart to come back to Mac.

What you’ll need
• Mac OS X Tiger v10.4.6 (check Software Update)
• The latest Firmware update (check Support Downloads)
• 10GB free hard disk space
• An Intel-based Mac
• A blank recordable CD
• A printer for the instructions (You’ll want to print them before installing Windows, really.)
• A bona fide installation disc for Microsoft Windows XP, Service Pack 2, Home or Professional (No multi-disc, upgrade or Media Center versions.)

One Response to “Apple releases Boot Camp Public Beta, allowing Intel Macs to run Windows XP”
  1. switchtoamac says:

    Can anyone say “INCREASED MARKETSHARE”

    Consumers now have a reason to make the switch. They can have a system that runs both OS X and Windows. My views have now been validated by Apple

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