Apple (finally) releases the MacBook - Macenstein

Apple (finally) releases the MacBook

Posted by Dr. Macenstein

After months of speculation and false rumors, Apple today released the 13-inch MacBook, a replacement for not only Apple’s iBook line, but also its 12-inch PowerBook. It is available in both white and black (for $200 more) models, and pricing starts at $1,199.

Coming as somewhat of a surprise is the new MacBook ships with a 2.0 GHz Core Duo chip instead of the rumored Core Solo. The graphics are handled by a 64 MB integrated Intel chip, like the one used in the new Mac minis. Also new to the line is a new “glossy widescreen� display which has also been added to the MacBook Pro line as a no-cost option. Apple’s Senior V.P. Phil Schiller claims the glossy screen was made optional on the pro models because many professional users prefer the “no glare� displays found on the current models.

Apple also took the occasion to bump up the speed on the MacBook Pros slightly. The high end models now top out at 2.16 GHz. Pricing is unchanged.

[UPDATE:] Macenstein reader Jason Sweitzer alerts us that the new MacBooks do indeed have the magnetic latch AppleInsider predicted back in February.

2 Responses to “Apple (finally) releases the MacBook”
  1. Wolfman Mac says:

    That’s pretty awesome.

    I think this might be Apple’s most reasonable Intel upgrade so far.
    Well done Apple!

  2. Way Cool Jr. says:

    $200 more fot he black one?
    Oh, great, it has a slightly bigger hard drive.

    Why did Apple have to go and ruin a perfectly good product launch by charging more for the exact same machine, just a different paint job?!?!

    Do black nanos cost more?


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