Apple posts Civilization IV trailer - Macenstein

Apple posts Civilization IV trailer

Posted by Lab Rat

Awwww yeeaah!

Apple today posted the trailer for the upcoming Mac port of Sid Meier’s Civilization IV to their website.

Available in both a standard QuickTime and a downloadable iPod version, the beautiful 1-minute 17-second trailer continues to unnecessarily build anticipation for the fourth “official” installment of the mammoth empire-building simulation franchise. Mac users have been chomping at the bit to get their hands on Civ IV since last October when Aspyr announced we would see a Mac port in early 2007. Aspyr’s website still lists June 2006 as the estimated release date, so it should be any day now. We will definitely have our take on the game as soon as Aspyr ships the title. Stay Tuned.

From the trailer: “A great civilization CHALLENGES traditional ideals. ELEVATES individual accomplishment. EXPANDS its horizons. BUILDS awe-inspiring wonders. CREATES life-altering technology. FIGHTS for the common good. INSPIRES mankind. What will YOUR civilization stand for? The most acclaimed stragetgy game of all time returns to the Mac. Side Meier’s Civilization IV.�

The game is rated E-10 for ages 10 and up.

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