GET YOUR SCREEN NAMES HERE! Macenstein Beta Forums now open! - Macenstein

GET YOUR SCREEN NAMES HERE! Macenstein Beta Forums now open!

Posted by Dr. Macenstein

Exciting news, everyone!

We are foolishly starting our own forum where you can discuss anything you want, Mac-related or otherwise. Let the abuse of the forum begin!

While we realize 90% of the posts will be about how crappy our site is, we hope the other 10% of you find this forum to be a useful tool and a chance to build a nice little Mac community. Right now, with just our 5 staff contributors involved, it is indeed pretty lame, but we are hoping you all can change that with your pearls of wisdom and writing prowess. Please feel free to make suggestions for new topics and forum sections as well.

So hurry and create your screen name before all the good ones are taken! (that’s right! even “Steve Jobs” is still available!)

We are also looking for people interested in being moderators in certain forum areas, so please contact me at if you are interested in feeling like a big shot on a lame Mac forum.

If all goes well with the beta (and we have no expectations that it WILL) we will be linking it up here as a permanent fixture.

Thanks, and enjoy!

-The Doc

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