Aspyr releases Civ IV beta patch to fix sound/performance issues - Macenstein

Aspyr releases Civ IV beta patch to fix sound/performance issues

Posted by Helper Monkey

Aspyr today released a patch to help address many of the audio and performance problems reported by players of the recently released Civilization IV for Mac. The update contains the following fixes:

  • Better performance on certain Macs (particularly G5’s) that exhibited excessive CPU use in the original release. The game should no longer run dual CPU’s to 100% capacity.

  • Some missing sounds will now play correctly. Other sounds may still be inaudible. A future official release of the Rev A patch will address those.

Known Issues

  • If you experience kernel panics on Intel Macs, make sure you have installed the latest version of the OS X 10.4.7 Combo update. If problems persist, turn off FSAA options and/or run the game in a window.

  • Some sounds will not play, or will play at such low volume they can’t be heard. 

  • As this is beta software, Aspyr advises you to reinstall the game from the original DVD if problems should occur. You can download the patch here (Civilization IV Beta 1.61 Rev A)

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