Apple Installs XP on Apple Store iMacs
According to numerous reader submissions, Apple has reportedly installed Windows XP running Boot Camp on at least one Mac in each of its retail stores. We have as of yet been unable to confirm this for ourselves in person, but the number of reports seems to hint this is likely true. The majority of installations seem to be on iMacs, from what we are hearing. We are also getting reports that by default the iMac is running OS X, and only after a customers requests to see a Windows XP-on-Mac demonstration does an employee come over and reboot the system. Thanks for the tips, guys!
I work at CompUSA and we have bootcamp running on one of our display Imacs.
What happens if you just go around and start restarting machines yourself? Will they ask you to leave?
One report said an Apple store worker has to enter a password to boot it up in XP, and even then they won’t let the customer actually DO anything in it. Sort of a hands-off demonstration.
-The Doc
I was in the Apple flagship store on Michigan Avenue in Chicago just yesterday (August 3) and asked to see how Bootcamp worked. Indeed, the Apple sales associate took me to *one* iMac in that gigantic store that had it loaded with Windows XP. And yes, he did enter a password to boot it up. After XP came up, he wanted to reboot it very quickly — certainly didn’t want to leave it running for others to see. I was satisfied to see how it worked and thanked the guy for taking the time to show me.
We let them do whatever they want, and run them through how to do it.
seems like you could verify this easily if you just checked the hard drive size on each Apple Store iMac. The ones that have a smaller size must have been formatted with some space allocated to an XP partition, right?
usually there will be a seperate windows hard drive. ex: MAC HD and WINDOWS
When I went, he let me try it out, but stayed the whole time and rebooted it when I was done. Part of the reason they want to boot back into mac os quickly is cause they don’t want it getting viruses…