Apple updates Compressor to v 2.3 - Macenstein

Apple updates Compressor to v 2.3

Posted by Helper Monkey

In addition to iTunes and QuickTime updates, Apple today released an update to Compressor, their professional compression software for generating high-quality video for use on the iPod, the web, wireless devices, and DVD.

No new features are mentioned. The new version (2.3) seems to just be a stability/performance release, and is recommended for all users of Compressor 2.1 (no word on what happened to version 2.2…).

As of this posting, it is only available via software update.

[UPDATE:] Although we haven’t had time to go too in-depth into Compressor 2.3, at reader’s request, we have verified that Compressor now has the option to export iPod video at 640×480. In our test, the 640×480 file is roughly 3 times larger than a 320×240 version of the same file.

5 Responses to “Apple updates Compressor to v 2.3”
  1. Sean says:

    Probably had to do with the QuickTime 7.1.3 update

  2. J. Pierpont III says:

    Maybe it has support for the 640×480 iPod video as an export option.
    Can you confirm?

  3. JRJ says:

    Maybe it will actually be stable again.

  4. Crossfade says:

    I have verson 2.0.1 (no crossgrade because I’m not on Intel yet) and there doesn’t seem to be an equivalent upgrade for this version?

    I have no iPod options like above, even for the lower res version. Am I missing something?

  5. Links says:

    “I have verson 2.0.1 (no crossgrade because I’m not on Intel yet) and there doesn’t seem to be an equivalent upgrade for this version?”

    The crossgrade is Universal Binary.

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