Apple updates Compressor to v 2.3
In addition to iTunes and QuickTime updates, Apple today released an update to Compressor, their professional compression software for generating high-quality video for use on the iPod, the web, wireless devices, and DVD.
No new features are mentioned. The new version (2.3) seems to just be a stability/performance release, and is recommended for all users of Compressor 2.1 (no word on what happened to version 2.2…).
As of this posting, it is only available via software update.
[UPDATE:] Although we haven’t had time to go too in-depth into Compressor 2.3, at reader’s request, we have verified that Compressor now has the option to export iPod video at 640×480. In our test, the 640×480 file is roughly 3 times larger than a 320×240 version of the same file.
Probably had to do with the QuickTime 7.1.3 update
Maybe it has support for the 640×480 iPod video as an export option.
Can you confirm?
Maybe it will actually be stable again.
I have verson 2.0.1 (no crossgrade because I’m not on Intel yet) and there doesn’t seem to be an equivalent upgrade for this version?
I have no iPod options like above, even for the lower res version. Am I missing something?
“I have verson 2.0.1 (no crossgrade because I’m not on Intel yet) and there doesn’t seem to be an equivalent upgrade for this version?”
The crossgrade is Universal Binary.