December 12th, 1980- Mass. says Apple’s stock too risky to sell - Macenstein

December 12th, 1980- Mass. says Apple’s stock too risky to sell

Posted by Dr. Macenstein

Faithful Macenstein (and Wall Street Journal reader) Kevin sent this little blurb he found in today’s Wall Streeet Journal. Given Apple’s stock price today, we thought it was pretty funny.

Here is a quote from the Wall Street Journal, December 12, 1980 that I thought you might find interesting. “Apple Computer Inc. is slated to go public today. The Cupertino, Calif., maker of microcomputers will sell 4.6 million shares at $22. In Massachusetts, regulators said the offering is too risky and barred the sale of the shares in the Bay State.”

Kevin noted since the IPO, the stock split a number of times so the $22 IPO price, adjusted to reflect the splits would be $2.75, compared to yesterday’s closing price of $88.75.


One Response to “December 12th, 1980- Mass. says Apple’s stock too risky to sell”
  1. Way Cool Jr. says:

    ha ha.
    I’d settle for $22, let alone $2.75.

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