The iMac named TIME Magazine’s person of the year
OK, not really. But a quick glance at the cover may lead you to think otherwise.
Apparently this year TIME Magazine decided the only sure way to get people to buy this year’s “Person of the Year” issue was to make EVERY person on the planet the Person of the Year. After all, who wouldn’t buy an issue of TIME Magazine with them on the cover?
Actually, the idea here is that via the power of YouTube, MySpace, etc., every internet savvy person is now changing the world. We assume the iMac was chosen to represent the internet in general because even news magazines know sex sells, and there ain’t a sexier computer around than the iMac (plus it’s got that internet-savvy “i” in its name). Sure, TIME removed the Apple logo and Jay-Leno-esque chin the iMac is known for, but it looks like they kept the keyboard and that sexy stand that only the iMac (and a couple of recent PC knock-offs) has.
Well, I for one don’t care that I am sharing this honor with 6.67 billion other people, I am still honored, and bought 6 copies. I’m PERSON OF THE YEAR! Wait ’till I show my mom.
An imac without the chin looks remarkably like an apple display.
Um I was happy at first, then read deeper too find I had also won this award in 1966 then realised the Bill Gates won it last year and George Bush was also cited this year. Not such cool company indeed. Although my music is better than Bono and now I will just have to post my video, of myself working as a web master, onto uTube. Today. Right now. I also realise I have to now buy this magazine I have come to basically ignore once I began to write well. Oh and I use an eMac and a Macbook.
whether it is an iMac or a cinema display, TIME seems to have photoshoped out the surrounding bezel. Why? It just makes it look silly. No monitors yet go edge to edge.
I think the keyboard likely means they just took an iMac shot. but it’s a pretty lame cover just the same. Just shows you, there is more to mimicking Apple’s minimalist white layouts than putting an iMac on a white page. Funny how that mocked up player window totally makes the iMac seem clunky.
Mr. Rick Stengel,
It is really amazing to see how corporate media, that is to say YOU, twist information as you wish. Until Saturday 16th December, HUGO CHAVEZ was leading your person of the year poll by 35% next to his contender, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who had 21%. And now today Sunday, 17th December, you decide to erase all records on your webpage and proclame YOU (that is to say the general public) the Person of the Year for 2006!!! This is an outrageous move. How dare you offend your readers and public opinion in general this way! Is this the democracy and the unbiased standards you defend? What happened? Does nominating Hugo Chavez go against your editorial line that is dictated from the corporations that keep the money coming in? This is absolutely sick and it is an open offense to the dignity, intelligence and opinion of us all.
If you and your big buddies don’t like Hugo Chavez, well too bad. Most the world LOVES him, like it or not (as shown on your poll results). His leadership, his social and political advancements, his proposals and projects and his positions against this capitalistic world that is going down the drain is surely promising and inspiring for all of us who think the world is sick, the system is killing us with injustices, wars, ecological threats and the media (YOU) promoting these. We see in him the path of a new world for the coming, because we believe another world is not only possible it is URGENT and NECESSARY.
So, go on, I guess in a way it is not so bad you act like this, sooner or later, more and more people will wake up and start to question your ways. Long live Chavez, a new world and independent media!
Andrea Hernandez