Awww, aren’t they cute! Apple releases colorful iPod Shuffles - Macenstein

Awww, aren’t they cute! Apple releases colorful iPod Shuffles

Posted by Dr. Macenstein

Apple today released some colorful updates to their iPod Shuffle line. In addition to Apple’s standard silver, there are now pink, orange, green, and blue models available for your Valentine’s Day shopping pleasure. The updates seem to be solely cosmetic though, as the capacity still tops out at 1GB, and the feature set and price seem identical to last year’s models (well, they DO have those swell new earbuds). The new shuffles are priced at $79, and available now from the Apple Store.

One Response to “Awww, aren’t they cute! Apple releases colorful iPod Shuffles”
  1. Bilbo says:

    Who wears denim jackets anymore?

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