Sports Illustrated now featuring Mac Chicks? - Macenstein

Sports Illustrated now featuring Mac Chicks?

Posted by Helper Monkey

Well, they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so we are feeling mighty flattered indeed by the latest rounds of shots coming from Sports Illustrated’s 2007 photo shoot. In them, SI model Marisa Miller is featured wearing nothing but her iPod to cover her iBod (well, that and a little sand), a clear homage to our Mac Chick of the Month feature.

Just kidding.

However, while we know we did not invent the beautiful-women-with-tech pairing that seems so successful on the web these days, we’d like to point out that at least OUR girls are actually USING their Apple gear. Miss Miller’s iPod doesn’t even seem to be turned on (although we certainly are). There is even a rumor that Apple plans to use this photo as part of an overseas ad campaign. No word yet on what country the ad would be run in, but rest assured, we will be moving there shortly.

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