Everyone’s (least) favorite Howard Stern Wackpacker, Eric the Midget Widget - Macenstein

Everyone’s (least) favorite Howard Stern Wackpacker, Eric the Midget Widget

Fans of Howard Stern’s radio show need no introduction to Eric the Midget, the diminutive frequent caller to the show and reluctant member of Stern’s Wackpack. Despite his size, he’s quickly grown (sorry) to become the Wackpacker you love to hate (or just plain hate to hate).

Well, for the 2 of you out there who can’t get enough of Eric… behold! The Eric the Midget Dashboard Widget, appropriately entitled, “Eric the Widget“, by Justin Dorfman.

Just like the real Eric, Eric the Widget does nothing, and just takes up extra space in your dashboard. It would be nice if the widget included some of Eric’s trademark grunts, or perhaps little snippets of American Idol trivia, but honestly, having Eric’s beautiful head peering out from your dashboard should be enough for anyone.

4 Responses to “Everyone’s (least) favorite Howard Stern Wackpacker, Eric the Midget Widget”
  1. Way Cool III says:

    LOL, Doc!

  2. The Jenkinator says:

    man, I HATE Eric. This is so funny!

  3. Arcterex says:

    That is so awesome! Just need it to go “eeeh!” (or however you type that noise that Fred makes for him) when you click it 🙂

  4. They need to make a Bigfoot widget it is.

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