Free VoIP calls on the iPhone? - Macenstein

Free VoIP calls on the iPhone?

Posted by Dr. Macenstein

MacDailyNews is claiming that JAJAH plans offer free or low cost VoIP calls via the iPhone later this year, including international calls. JAJAH is a VoIP company that offers free local and international calls via your web browser using your existing phone number. At the moment this all sounds like a bunch of wishful thinking, as while we are sure there is no technological reason this would not work, odds are Apple will have to bless this functionality as it seems to rely on a mobile plug-in, and it remains to be seen how they feel about it. As far as JAJAH is concerned, however, it sounds like a done deal in their minds.

From the JAJAH blog:

“We are announcing today that we are going to support the iPhone as soon as it becomes available in June 2007….We are going to bring JAJAH Mobile to the iPhone as soon as it becomes available. iPhone users will be able to make free or very low cost global JAJAH calls with a single click, without a special download, other equipment, wi-fi or broadband access. You’ll just need to be a registered JAJAH user – and registration is free.

If you’re a JAJAH fan, you already know we have an Mac Address Book Plugin and JAJAH user, Greg Smithies has recently pulled together a Mac OS X JAJAH Widget. The iPhone solution will further extend our commitment to the Mac community.”

This sounds great, and would certainly help boost iPhone sales. However, that post was from January 9th of this year, just after the iPhone was announced, so it could just be JAJAH’s early wishful thinking. It remains to be seen if anything in the ATT/Apple agreement would put the kibosh on VoIP functionality in the iPhone.

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