More info on the Elgato/Miglia split - Macenstein

More info on the Elgato/Miglia split

Posted by Dr. Macenstein

Elgato, makers of the stellar EyeTV PVR software for Mac, announced yesterday they had dissolved their partnership with hardware manufacturer Miglia, effective February 7th. Miglia produces a wide range of TV tuners for the Mac as well as the PC, including its TVMini HD, ad the TVBook Pro for mobile Mac users. Elgato says it will continue to support current Miglia hardware with EyeTV software updates.

A source close to Miglia’s distribution channel tells Macenstein that Elgato claims Miglia failed to live up to its end of the licensing agreement. They also pointed out that all Miglia products have been removed from the Apple store, which they feel is not a good sign for Miglia.

On Miglia’s side, they confirm their agreement with Elgato has been terminated, but do not go into details. Miglia plans to ship future versions of its products with its own software.

From the Elgato site:

“Elgato Systems announces that it has terminated the licensing agreement for EyeTV software with Miglia Technology, Ltd. Miglia can no longer ship, sell or advertise TV Tuner solutions bundled with Elgato’s EyeTV software.

Customers using EyeTV with a Miglia TV tuner product are not affected by this change. Elgato EyeTV will continue to work with existing Miglia products. Elgato will continue to support existing Miglia/EyeTV customers with software updates and improvements. “

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