Vote for Steve for TIME Magazine’s 100 Most Influential Person!
Steve Jobs runs the most influential consumer electronics company in the world, and is the largest shareholder of Disney. Yet is Steve Jobs more influential than a South Korean Pop Star? Not according to TIME.
TIME Magazine online is having a contest to determine the TIME 100 Most Influential People of the Year, and right now the current leader is Rain, a South Korean Pop Star.
It would appear the list is little more than a popularity contest, as other such suspect nominees who have made it into the top 5 are Bhumibol Adulyadej (the leader of Thailand), and J.K. Rowling (author of the Harry Potter books).
While Rowlings’ books are certainly popular, we’re not sure just how much influence she has on the world in general. As for Adulyadei, well, apparently it is a crime to even criticize Adulyadej in his native country, so odds are you are required by law to vote for him if you are a resident of Thailand with internet access.
However, there can be no disputing that our beloved Steve (currently ranked number 12 as of this writing) has actually made a huge impact on the world. His Pixar films have set records worldwide, and are single-handedly responsible for saving the animated film genre from a 2-dimensional grave. And can anyone argue that the iPod hasn’t changed the way 100 million people live their lives? Everything from cars to airplanes are now being built with the iPod in mind, and we are still just over a month away from seeing the debut of the iPhone, already the most successful mobile phone to date, and not one has been sold.
So get those fingers clicking folks, and vote for Steve! To quote Diamond Joe Quimby’s campaign ad, “If you were running, he’d vote for you”.
So man companies rip-off Apple. Each one of Apple’s successful inventions creates 1000’s of jobs (albeit overseas) from dozens of knock-off companies. Apple is responsible for spurring the GLOBAL economy. Think of it, without Steve Jobs, there would be no Zune! I don’t even want to think about living in a world without the ZUNE!!
Obviously you’ve never heard of Rain.
You’d be suprised what a group of angry Rain fans can do. We’re fierce creatures when protecting our loved ones. Watch it.
“Obviously you’ve never heard of Rain.”
I think that’s sort of the point, Vanessa. Even within Asia itself, Rain may be idolized, but he can’t have had much of an influence on the world outside of music. No doubt the only reason he’s at the top spot is because some fan stumbled across the Times poll and posted it to some Rain fan site. It reminds me of what happened with American Idol and