Apple Gazette’s “30 Days of AppleTV” comes to an end
Michael Murphey over at Apple Gazette has finished his riveting (well, to tech geeks like us, anyway) 30 day journal outlining his experience with the AppleTV. The piece is a must read for anyone contemplating purchasing the AppleTV, and really gives you a good idea what to expect from the device, and what you can and can’t do with it.
Overall, Michael was very pleased with the AppleTV, so much so he has decided to drop cable TV for the foreseeable future in favor of iTunes/internet content. He also sees a great deal of future potential for the Apple TV, but due to some issues he admits it is not yet for everyone:
“if you get most of your entertainment off of the Internet and want to watch it on your TV…get an AppleTV. If you don’t watch a lot of television, and want to keep the shows that you do watch when you watch them – get an AppleTV. If you buy boxsets instead of paying for cable – get an AppleTV.
But if you’re a sports fan, a channel flipper, or a videophyle, don’t get an AppleTV as a primary means of watching entertainment. If you want one to get your downloaded content onto your television, or to watch podcasts, then – by all means – go pick one up.”