Engadget says iPhone delayed until October, Leopard due January 2008 [UPDATED] - Macenstein

Engadget says iPhone delayed until October, Leopard due January 2008 [UPDATED]

Posted by Dr. Macenstein

Looks like Apple may have to pull their latest “I’m A Mac” Party is Over ad which poked fun at Window’s traditional huge delays between OS releases. Engadget claims to have it “on authoirty” that the iPhone’s much hyped release will be pushed back to OCTOBER of this year, and Leopard, which was itself recently pushed back to October from June, will get yet another bump (and quite a large one at that). In fact it will get bumped all the way into January of next year if Engadget’s source is correct.

If true, this is horrible news for those of us who assumed we’d have to wait a few month after the iPhone’s launch before Apple would deliver a true wide-screen iPod. Looks like we may have to wait even longer.

Engadget expects an official Apple announcement today. So far nothing official.

[UPDATE:] arstechnica reports the bulletin Engadget saw was a hoax. Apple has reaffirmed the iPhone is on track for June. It is possible the memo Engadget saw is responsible for the recent dip in Apple’s stock price the past 2 days.

One Response to “Engadget says iPhone delayed until October, Leopard due January 2008 [UPDATED]”
  1. elder norm says:

    Boy, for a company that so many people are trying hard to ignore and put down, Apple sure can generate HUGE public notice, for practically anything!!

    Apple and ATT just confirmed that June 29 is the day iPhone is released.

    So much for engadget.

    elder norm

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