“Mac Chick” Becca featured in Chris Cornell’s new video - Macenstein

“Mac Chick” Becca featured in Chris Cornell’s new video

Posted by Dr. Macenstein

Wow! We’re starting to feel like a launching pad to the stars!

First our January 2007 Mac Chick Mandy Lynn appears on Law and Order, and now our November 2006 Mac Chick Becca appears in the new Chris Cornell video “Arms Around Your Love“.

I’m the sexy stripper trying to distract the boy from his relationship problems,” says Becca. “Enjoy!

Scroll to approximately 1:35 remaining to see Becca’s “distraction”.

4 Responses to ““Mac Chick” Becca featured in Chris Cornell’s new video”
  1. rowlings says:

    She’s beautiful..
    And she can move!

  2. Not Watching The Oscars says:

    Congrats! You were always my favorite Mac Chick! (Not a bad song ether)

  3. John says:

    Awesome! She’s doing a good job distracting me right now, and I’m not having relationship problems (yet).

  4. TexasJen says:

    Wow! This is a fabulous video- good launching platform I think. And, Chris Cornell to boot! What a wonderful voice that man has! I’ll have to definitely check this CD out!

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