Must see TV: “Mac Chick” Mandy Lynn on NBC’s “Law and Order: Criminal Intent” tonight - Macenstein

Must see TV: “Mac Chick” Mandy Lynn on NBC’s “Law and Order: Criminal Intent” tonight

Posted by Dr. Macenstein

Macenstein’s January 2007 Mac Chick of the Month Mandy Lynn will be making a cameo on NBC’s Law and Order: Criminal Intent tonight (9PM EST).

Tonight’s “ripped from the headlines” episode revolves around the Anna Nicole Smith story, and aparently Mandy will be featured in the pseudo-Hugh Hefner interview section.

“This should be a good episode,” says Mandy “it’s based on what happened to Anna Nicole. So when they do the Playboy scene where they interview ‘Hef’ I am on the bed with him with a few other girls just lookin cute… and I am also in another scene standing by the piano, so look for me. I’m wearing a blue babydoll!”

The episode, entitled “Bombshell“, stars Kristy Swanson (of Buffy the Vampire Slayer” fame). So get those Tivos programmed people!

2 Responses to “Must see TV: “Mac Chick” Mandy Lynn on NBC’s “Law and Order: Criminal Intent” tonight”
  1. James Brown says:


  2. H.R. says:

    that’s awesome, way to go!

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