Apple confirms YouTube videos for iPhone, available for Apple TV today - Macenstein

Apple confirms YouTube videos for iPhone, available for Apple TV today

Posted by Dr. Macenstein

Apple today confirmed what many in the Apple rumor community have taken for granted, namely that the newly encoded H.264 videos YouTube provides will be available not only for the Apple TV, but the iPhone as well. Looks like YouTube is what the “mysterious 12th iPhone icon” was after all.

iphone youtube
Above: Well, looks like the YouTube icon may have been the mysterious 12th icon we reported on.

From Apple PR:

On June 29, iPhone customers will enjoy the best YouTube experience on a mobile device thanks to a new Apple-designed application that wirelessly streams YouTube content to iPhone over Wi-Fi or EDGE networks. YouTube now encodes their videos in the advanced H.264 format, and iPhone will be the first mobile device to play YouTube content encoded in the format. Apple TV customers, meanwhile, can begin enjoying that content today after installing the free software update directly from Apple TV. [Jun 20, 2007]

One Response to “Apple confirms YouTube videos for iPhone, available for Apple TV today”
  1. Hoss says:

    There was plenty of speculation here a couple weeks ago surrounding the “mysterious 12th iPhone icon”. Most people were hoping it was GPS. Looks like I damn-near nailed it that day:

    “The recent YouTube (Google)/AppleTV capability means YouTube over iPhone is a foregone conclusion, but YouTube means too much to Google for it to be part of iTunes, or a third, or fourth-tier link within the iPhone (i.e., iPod>Videos>YouTube).

    Both Apple and Google are keenly aware of the potential that the specific portion of YouTube videos originating from music and TV studios has for iTunes Store sales.

    I think Google just bought itself another menu icon on the iPhone, next to Maps.”

    Except, I was 1 icon off on placement.

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