Download Bryce 3d v5.5 for FREE - Macenstein

Download Bryce 3d v5.5 for FREE

Posted by Lab Rat

In keeping with their (somewhat bizarre) policy, DAZ Productions has once again released the previous version of their Bryce 3D 3D landscape modeling and animation software for FREE. The current shipping version is 6.1, but you can download version 5.5 for free. [download Bryce 3D 5.5 here]. (Note: Bryce 5.5 is not a universal app, while Bryce 6.1 is).

Once you have downloaded Bryce 5.5, the installer will prompt you for a serial number, which you must first register on DAZ’s site to obtain. But from there it is smooth sailing, and you can upgrade to Bryce 6.1 for only $19.99, if you should choose to (a $50 value).

11 months ago Daz posted a free version of Bryce 3D 5.0, after releasing Bryce 5.5.

14 Responses to “Download Bryce 3d v5.5 for FREE”
  1. Zac says:

    SO essentially you can buy Bryce 3D 6 for $20 . . . that is an odd policy.

  2. Mark Rushton says:

    Actually, it’s $13.99 for new-subscriber signups with the 30% off coupon.

    ‘Way sweet!

  3. Aa says:

    Can’t find the download page.

  4. Mark Rushton says:

    Well…. you click on the graphic in the story above, then click on the “Download Bryce 5.5 for FREE” link on the next page, which takes you to a download page with three or four server options.


  5. Amr says:

    Actually, it’s $13.99 for new-subscriber signups with the 30% off coupon

  6. eric says:

    how do you get the serial#? I have registered and downloaded, but can’t find any info about the serial number.

  7. Mark Rushton says:

    When you run the Bryce 5.5 installer, when it finishes, it directs you to the web page for the serial number. 🙂

  8. ekom says:

    i want to use to shoot out video

    thank you for this available

  9. Badshah says:

    Excellent Software

  10. Bryce User says:

    It does NOT finish. You are required to enter username and serial information in order to GET the installer to finish, and there is no information on the daz website regarding this product any longer. Absolutely pointless.

  11. hozan says:

    please give me the serial number program bryce

  12. vanessa says:

    it says you have to pay/ purchas something for ur serial number????
    WHAT THE HECK! this is a rip off!

  13. Isao says:

    When I open Bryce, it asks me for a name and serial number…where do I find those? (link please)

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