Even Batman is cashing in on the iPod name - Macenstein

Even Batman is cashing in on the iPod name

Posted by Dr. Macenstein

The 2008 sequel to “Batman Begins“, titled “The Dark Knight” will feature a brand new vehicle in which Batman can tool around the streets of Gotham… The Batpod.

batman begins dark knight batpod

Apparently an update to the venerable “Batcycle” of old, the Batpod looks like a pretty kick-ass machine. Unfortunately, the Batpod seems to only be available in black at the moment, but we anticipate multi-colored Batpod nanos for Batgirl and Robin. No word on whether it has a built-in dock connector, but we’re guessing “yes”.

Apple has so far been fairly protective of the “pod” moniker. If the Batpod has an in-dash radio, we expect a name-change.

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