Latest Apple iPhone ad removes mention of “2 year activation plan” - Macenstein

Latest Apple iPhone ad removes mention of “2 year activation plan”

Posted by Dr. Macenstein

Earlier this afternoon Apple posted their 4th iPhone ad, titled “Watered Down“. There was no mysterious 12th icon to report on, but there was one new morsel to speculate upon, and that is the omission of the infamous “Use requires 2 year activation plan” disclaimer at the end of the video. In fact, in going back to the previous videos, many Macenstein readers noticed that tag line has now been removed from the previous 3 videos as well!

Does this mean a long term contract is no longer required, or simply that Apple marketing figured, “Why scare off potential customers before they get to hold one in their hand”?

Who knows? But internet speculation is what the iPhone has always been about (even since before it was announced), so let’s keep the party going.

Above: The latest set of ads from Apple remove the disclaimer at the end mentioning customers need to agree to a 2-year service contract in order to prchase an iPhone. (Oh yeah, and the tag line and AT&T logo are smaller too, for those REALLY looking to nitpick) 🙂

4 Responses to “Latest Apple iPhone ad removes mention of “2 year activation plan””
  1. f money says:

    pretty sure this one is a marketing decision, as AT&T execs (I think I read) have confirmed a 2 year contract is needed. Unless something has changed, but I doubt it.

  2. Dar of the Emorites says:

    I agree, the contract is likely still needed. Perhaps, based on some reader’s speculation on the “Mystery icon” post, an Apple ad exec felt the screen looked “weird” with that line.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Disclaimers are bad. They make you look like you have something to hide. (which in this case, Apple DOES). Apple doesn’t want the iPhone ads to end up looking like the end of an impotence drug commercial.

  4. wow says:

    Motorola must be trying to figure out a way to put a new video of bigfoot or something on its new Razr to get people to notice.
    This over-analyzing of the ads is insaaaaaaaaane!
    (and fun to read!)

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