New iPod Game: Kaplan’s SAT PREP 2008
Posted by Helper Monkey
The iPod has long been criticized by educators as a distraction in the classroom, but now it seems the iPod may actually be able to do a little teaching of its own. Kaplan, the famous test preparation company, has released KAPLAN SAT PREP 2008. The three part series of iPod games helps students prepare for the SAT in Math, Reading, and Writing. Games can be purchased individually for $4.99 a piece, or as a $14.97 bundle which includes all 3 modules (We’ll be the first to admit we didn’t do overly well on the math section of the SAT’s, but we don’t see the point of the bundle pricing.)
From iTunes:
Kaplan has helped more than 3 million students scorehigher on admissions exams and get into the nation’s top colleges and universities. Kaplan’s effective program of practices, review, and test-taking strategies has made Kaplan the best-selling software brand. Now, Apple is bringing Kaplan’s exclusive test-taking strategies and tips to the iPod so you can prepare for your college admissions anytime, anywhere.