SarcasticGamer takes on Microsoft’s Surface - Macenstein

SarcasticGamer takes on Microsoft’s Surface has posted a hilarious re-edit of Microsoft’s “Surface” demo. While the Surface still is a pretty cool piece of technology, we think this commercial brilliantly points out that it is a pretty cool piece of technology looking for a realistic application. (Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Rowlings for the link).


2 Responses to “SarcasticGamer takes on Microsoft’s Surface”
  1. Richard says:

    I love it, one of the funniest things i have seen all day (and I youtube alot 🙂

  2. Bill says:

    Alright, I’m not a hater, but everyone here knows damn well if this were an Apple pitch, you’d be talking about slaying your parents to get their insurance policies to buy this thing.

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