Apple releases QuickTime 7.2, iTunes 7.3.1 - Macenstein

Apple releases QuickTime 7.2, iTunes 7.3.1

Posted by Dr. Macenstein

Apple today released updates to both iTunes and QuickTime. Both are available via Software Update, or via Apple’s downloads page.

According to Apple, iTunes 7.3.1 is a minor maintenance update, and “addresses a minor problem with iTunes 7.3 accessing the iTunes Library“.

QuickTime 7.2, however, is a more substantial update, and addresses 8 security holes, many deemed “critical”. Additionally, QuickTime 7.2 adds full screen playback to the free QuickTime player (finally), as well as numerous bug fixes. The update is recommended for all users.

2 Responses to “Apple releases QuickTime 7.2, iTunes 7.3.1”
  1. Michael says:

    Also, Quicktime 7.2 offers an export to iPhone option, for those who want to maximize the quality of the iPhone’s screen.

  2. imajoebob says:

    I notice that Apple does not mention which OSes are plugged with each fix. I have a strong suspicion, and if I’m right it’s a class move by Apple to ignore the easy “gotcha.”

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