Looks like Apple may have backed the right HD format after all - Macenstein

Looks like Apple may have backed the right HD format after all

Posted by Dr. Macenstein

Despite recent reports that HD DVD sales are growing at a rate almost as fast as the Apple-backed Blu-Ray format’s are shrinking, it seems the criminal underworld may be providing a ray of hope for Blu-ray fans.

According to the DVD Dossier, 3 days ago thieves broke into Silver Platters, a Seattle-based chain of video stores, and stole their entire selection of Blu-ray DVDs (about $7000 worth). Why is this telling? Well, apparently the thieves left the entire inventory of HD DVDs untouched.

They basically took our whole Blu-ray section… genre didn’t matter to them,” said Mike Batt, VP of Silver Platters.

Michael, from DVD Dossier sums it up best, “…when a thief thinks he won’t be able to sell your product for pennies on the dollar, you may have a problem convincing ordinary consumers to fork over their hard earned cash at something close to retail price.

Apple, along with Sony, is backing the Blu-ray format for HD, and is expected to release Blu-ray Macs in the coming months.

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader frank for the tip!

5 Responses to “Looks like Apple may have backed the right HD format after all”
  1. dave says:

    Or they had recently stolen a PS3; damn! where’s the content?

  2. Whew, thanks! Just locked up my collection of Blu-Ray DVDs. 🙂

  3. bob says:

    I think it’s just further proof that criminals aren’t very smart….

  4. Ryan says:

    To Dave: LOL!

  5. Hate To Say It says:

    but Blu-Ray has an uphill battle at the outset, for one simple reason: marketing. Much easier to understand and market HD DVD than it is the meaningless Blu-Ray. Can names kill? You bet they can.

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