Still can’t view Numbers’ 3D charts video…

Faithful Macenstein reader Dr. Logan Games alerted us last night that while checking out Number’s new features on Apple’s site, he noticed the video demo for Numbers’ new Charts, Images, Text Labels video incorrectly pointed to the video demo for Flexible Canvas, leaving him to only imagine how awesome his charts could be.
We decided to not mention it at the time, as while it was a somewhat sloppy error for Apple not to have caught on the product’s release date, we figured it would be fixed by the time we posted anything. However, as of this morning it is still the case.
Since we are also big fans of charts and graphs in general, we figured we would help spread the word of the good Doctor’s plight.
yeah, it’s still not fixed, but doing a bit of code reading, i figured out the correct link to the movie (by looking at the difference between the canvas image url and the canvas movie url). swapped out what should be similar for the apple movie, and here you go.
be careful though. you are just going to go spend $79. while your at it, spend another $20 and upgrade to the family pack.
hope that helps, while you are waiting for apple to get their act together.
Hey thanks coder,
I was trying to do that, but didn’t think to check the URL for the images.
-Logan Williams (“Dr. Logan Games”)
anytime Logan. glad i could help.
not sure if you saw, but apple has downloadable 30 day trial. forgot where i read that, but here’s the link.
best wishes and don’t get too addicted.
The URL for “Provide Numbers Feedback” (Numbers > Provide Numbers Feedback) also doesn’t work.
More annoyingly, Numbers can’t import a tab-delimited text file that Excel handles with ease. Empirically, the fail point is somewhere between 50 and 56,822 lines.