iPhone Guy vs. iPod touch Guy - Macenstein

iPhone Guy vs. iPod touch Guy

Posted by iGor

If you ever had doubts as to how well thought-out Apple’s marketing department is, you can rest easy. In conjunction with yesterday’s announcement of the new iPod touch, Apple posted a brand new guided tour video for the new device, a la iPhone. And like the iPhone’s video, the iPod touch is narrated by a black t-shirted spokesman who uses his hands as he talks.

But what is really interesting is how Apple managed to match the look of the iPod touch Guy to the device itself. When using the iPhone and the iPhone Guy as a reference, you can see that, just like the iPod touch, the guy seems a little off – a little more awkward and out of proportion. He has a little more forehead as well, just like the iPod touch. And of course, he has less icons as well.

Whatever Apple’s marketing department gets paid, it is not enough for this brilliance.

6 Responses to “iPhone Guy vs. iPod touch Guy”
  1. Rowlings says:

    I think they had to use someone who they knew could keep a secret. Someone with no friends or family.

  2. ob81 says:

    ROFL Rowlings. I don’t like the shape of that head on the iTouch guy. The whole experience seemed weird.

  3. Hendry says:

    I think the iPhone guy is cool. He reminds me of the cheerleader’s dad in Heroes. I think he talks very soothingly, and then when you turn your back, he’ll snap your neck. He’s totally bad-ass.

  4. R says:

    Gosh, as if everyone posting here is a Calvin Klein model. Except for Rowlings, of course. He’s dreamy. Antisocial. But, dreamy.

  5. Cameron says:

    Also, Bob has a little more grey hair than the other guy. A sign the iPhone has a silver bevel?

    Also: the asian guy is the one demoing the one without a camera. Racist irony from Apple?

  6. Rowlings says:

    R, for the record, I turned Calvin Klein down.

    And the iPod touch guy reminds me a bit of the bad guy from the first Indiana Jones movie, the one who gets the medallion burned into his hand, with the bizarre lips.

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