6 degrees of Steve Jobs: Round 2 – Kato Kaelin - Macenstein

6 degrees of Steve Jobs: Round 2 – Kato Kaelin

Ok, Round 1 was actually pretty successful, with some fairly creative solutions. Since things are still looking a bit bleak in the way of Mac news today, let’s bring on Round 2 of our new feature “6 Degrees of Steve“.

This round features everyone’s favorite non-Ito OJ trial celebrity (from the first OJ trial, that is), Kato Kaelin. Anyone out there have the ability to link him to the almighty Steve in 6 steps or less?

Good luck!

14 Responses to “6 degrees of Steve Jobs: Round 2 – Kato Kaelin”
  1. Hendry says:

    Does Steve have a guest house?

  2. Kevin says:

    1) Steve Jobs produced Toy Story which had Erik von Detten as the voice of Sid.
    2) Erik von Detten starred with Tony Denman in National Lampoons After School Special.
    3) Tony Denman was in Dorm Daze 2 which Kato Kaelin was in!

  3. dario says:

    1. Jobs had John Mayer as guest since the first version of GarageBand in 2004
    2. John Mayer dated Jessica Simpson
    3. Jessica Simpson is in “The Dukes of Hazzard” where Willie Nelson plays Uncle Jesse
    4. Willie Nelson was in the movie “The Country Bears” in 2002 where Elizabeth Daily was the singing voice of “Beary Barrington”
    5. Elizabeth Daily dated Kato Kaelin

  4. J says:

    Wow. I love this kind of stuff, but you guys (Kevin and Dario) are truly masters. I am out-matched!

  5. Richard Neal says:

    1. Steve Jobs was ridiculously accused of hiring O.J. Simpson as a hitman. (link)

    2. Kato Kaelin was a minor witness in O.J. Simpson’s first trial.

    Hope that counts.

  6. Yes Richard, that counts.

    Very timely.


    -The Doc

  7. y3rt says:

    Steve Jobs was in “Nerds 2.0.1: A Brief History of the Internet” with Bill Gates

    Bill Gates was in “Wetten, dass..?” with Pamela Anderson

    Pamela Anderson was in “Pauly Shore Is Dead” with Kato Kaelin

  8. Brett says:

    I’ll play!

    1. Kato Kaelin was in the 2003 movie “Pauly Shore is Dead” with Pamela Anderson
    2. Pamela Anderson and Bill Gates both appeared on the German TV show “Wetten, daas?” (Wanna bet that…?) on Jan 19,2000
    3. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs have of course had many interactions, for example most recently at this year’s D5 conference

    how’s that?

  9. dario says:

    really it counts?
    considering acceptable a connection just because 2 characters share a weird news headline? I’m not the judge, but what if I write:
    1. Jobs and Kato Kaelin were once the subjects of a game called ” 6 degrees of Steve Jobs” in the macenstein.com website.
    2. there’s no number 2
    3. done, really, just check number 1

  10. Snorri says:

    Wow, Dario you have won every single one of these from here on.

  11. Dario,

    I think you’re right. I guess we need to wait until the court PROVES that Steve hired OJ. Then we can legitimately claim they worked together.


    -the Doc

  12. dario says:

    I think I can do better of my previous attempt, especially after reading about Pamela Anderson and Gates sharing the stage of a German show (that’s class…)

    1. In the comic strip Superosity, Kato Kaelin’s soul is devoured by Steven Spielberg
    2. Spielberg was close friends of former President Bill Clinton
    3. Steve Jobs let Clinton use his 14 bedroom Spanish Colonial mansion in 1998

    I know, the fist link is a little weak, I leave to the the judge the last word

  13. ugh… we have to wait 🙁

  14. gallagb says:

    i got as far as kato is best friends w/ Norm McDonald (or once was)

    but beyond that- i couldn’t connect norm to steve- although i’m positive it can be done
    as someone has played steve in SNL – i just don’t remember who!

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