Al Gore wins Nobel Peace Prize – Apple jumps in the picture for a photo opp - Macenstein

Al Gore wins Nobel Peace Prize – Apple jumps in the picture for a photo opp

To all those skeptics who thought Apple merely put Al Gore on their board to help get Green Peace off their backs, we say “Nice Try!”

If Apple were merely using Gore to make the company appear “green”, wouldn’t they put a big honking ad congratulating him on his Nobel Peace prize award for bringing awareness to the global warming issue on their homepage? Of course! And they’d probably even go overboard, devoting FOUR separate news articles about it in their news section.

But Apple’s better than that.
(Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader chaplare for the tip!)

9 Responses to “Al Gore wins Nobel Peace Prize – Apple jumps in the picture for a photo opp”
  1. Chad says:

    a sad day for apple fans…someone hacked and defaced their main page.

  2. Skulas says:

    Can someone, ANYONE, please tell me what the heck being an anti-global warming advocate has to do with winning a “peace” prize?

  3. Jonathan says:

    You can win them for an assortment of things, for instance there are prizes for math and science… I assume this falls under the science category…

  4. Jonathan says:

    Hmm, it ate my comment… how rude… anyway, as I said earlier in my comment and sorry if this is a double post, you can win a Peace Prize for an assortment of things, there are prizes for instance in math and science; I’d assume this falls under the Science category..

  5. Mister Ron says:

    Yes, there are categories, but the Peace Prize is unique. I believe the awarding of the prize to Al Gore & the UN team is in the appreciation of the idea that by successfully promoting the facts of global warning to such a huge audience, they are setting the stage for a united, global effort to overcome this crisis.

    Of course, naysayers are continually throwing monkey wrenches into the effort, but even so, by promoting ground-up actions by ordinary people, instead of relying on governments, measurable success will point more people into action…


  6. Terrin says:

    Here is a link explaining what Climate change has to do with peace.

  7. veggiedude says:

    “Can someone, ANYONE, please tell me what the heck being an anti-global warming advocate has to do with winning a “peace” prize?”

    Sure. I believe it was one of the Joint Chief of Staff that addressed Congress last month on this issue. He said Climate Change was a national defense issue, and therefore a threat to peace.

  8. Terrin says:

    Climate change absolutely has to do with peace. For instance, climate change can cause draughts, and famine. This leads to increased crime and in some cases outright war. This is already happening in Africa. Climate change can also lead to the destruction of people’s established way of life. For instance, look at what happened in New Orleans. That caused death, disease, destruction, and otherwise disrupted thousands of people’s lives.

  9. imajoebob says:

    First, to the discussion:
    Alfred Nobel wrote in his will that the peace prize was to be given “to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between the nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies, and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.” Gore’s work has everything to do with “fraternity between nations.” His work has established Global Warming as science, not scientific theory. The recognition of the threat pressures all nations to act in concert, because no one can “cure’ it locally, and it can’t be cured unless everyone makes the effort.

    As to Apple:
    Why shouldn’t Apple may hay while the Sun shines? Gore is a member of the Apple Board. Gore is part of Apple, Inc. When one of the Apple engineers wins recognition, Apple publicizes it. When the iPhone gets accolades from PC Magazine, Apple publicizes it. When one of their directors wins one of, if not the most prestigious awards in the world, they publicize it!

    There’s absolutely nothing wrong with celebrating the success of one of your own. In fact, it’s both natural and admirable.

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