Posted by Dr. Macenstein on Saturday, October 13, 2007 · 7 Comments
Filed under Humor, video · Tagged with iPod Touch
Still better than a cat.
Question is… Were there any scratches on the surface? 🙂
Like this cat?
I feel sorry for both the phone and the laptop. I can’t stand it when a person touches my MacBook Pro’s display. Never would let a pet scratch at it!
aaaaa is playing with an iPhone… very cute
Cat’s rule!
I wonder what’s the result. Was it seriously scratched?
Goes to prove the iPhone is so simple a pet can use it! Long live the iPhone!
Sorry Microsoft, you loose this time!
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Still better than a cat.
Question is… Were there any scratches on the surface? 🙂
Like this cat?
I feel sorry for both the phone and the laptop. I can’t stand it when a person touches my MacBook Pro’s display. Never would let a pet scratch at it!
aaaaa is playing with an iPhone… very cute
Cat’s rule!
I wonder what’s the result. Was it seriously scratched?
Goes to prove the iPhone is so simple a pet can use it! Long live the iPhone!
Sorry Microsoft, you loose this time!