Apple reunited with “Heroes” (via time travel, ‘natch)
Long before NBC ever dreamed of pulling Heroes of off iTunes, a young Milo Ventimiglia (aka Peter Petrelli) starred in an iBook commercial entitled “Middle Seat” as the most annoying airline passenger ever.
Recognize that video editing hero?
It’s funny, I totally remember this commercial, however it was not Milo’s outstanding acting that made it so memorable, it was the soundtrack. This seemingly innocuous iBook commercial marks the beginning of the complete overuse of the Baha Men‘s “Who Let the Dogs Out” in the media, which in turn single handedly caused the total collapse of the music industry in America, and subsequently lead to the success of American Idol.
Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Misty for the tip!
I have an ibook. The built in speakers couldn’t wake you up if you used the ibook as a pillow.