Last day to submit for your $100 iPhone credit - Macenstein

Last day to submit for your $100 iPhone credit

Today (November 30th, for those of you without calendars) is the last day “early iPhone adopters” can redeem their $100 Apple Store credit.

I blew spent mine on Leopard a couple weeks ago, but now that we’re in the thick of the holiday shopping season, I could sure use another… Did I mention how very, very, very deeply hurt I was by that iPhoe price drop thing?


(If you haven’t already redeemed your iPhone credit, click here to do so).

4 Responses to “Last day to submit for your $100 iPhone credit”
  1. If you look at the fine print on the Apple website it reads, “Requests for the $100 credit must be submitted by November 30, 2007.” It does not say anything on the site or the actual printable credit about having be used by any particular date. From what I was previously told by an Apple store employee is that it is identical to an Apple gift card.

  2. Absolutely right, Ryan. Sorry, by “redeem” I did not mean you had to spend it by today, just fill out the paper (web) work.

    -The Doc

  3. T0MMY says:

    You scared me, I was waiting for them to come out with stereo bluetooth headphones for the iPhone.

  4. Jim says:

    Apple’s site indicates that the credit (once obtained) is valid indefinitely.

    From Frequently Asked Questions:

    “How long is my Apple Store credit valid?”

    “Once your credit is issued, it does not expire.”

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