Gotta love our faithful readers! - Macenstein

Gotta love our faithful readers!

Faithful Macenstein reader Jerrett writes:

Greetings Doc-

I was having a Mac party tonight, really I was just simultaneously upgrading macs to Leopard and installing software. I Apple tech on the side for extra cash, and my uncle just happens to be a re-seller so it works out for both of us. Anyways, I realized I had 6 Macs in the room at one time and decided to snap a photo for you. Can you spot which one of these machines is an abomination of Apple?

I actually have 9 macs, the g5 quad is not pictured, to big of a hassle to unhook my main workstation. The others are classics a IIci, a g3 blue and white that is now red and black, and a g4 cube which is pure awesomeness. Well I guess it would be 8 macs if you don’t count the hackintosh, but I love the little guy. Love the site keep up the good work.


Of course, odds are Jerrett took the same picture with TUAW, MacRumors, and AppleInsider as well, and we’re the only site lame enough to publish this as “news” , but hey, don’t burst our bubble. Thanks for reading Macenstein (Oh, and nice use of Terrormazia as a mousepad!)

4 Responses to “Gotta love our faithful readers!”
  1. Brian says:

    I vote photo that for “Mac Chick of the Month”…

  2. Brian says:

    uhm – I vote for that photo for “Mac Chick of the Month” so much for trying to be witty (damned dyslexia)…

  3. darrell says:

    so which machine is the ‘abomination?’ is it that pc running os x in the bottom left?

  4. Jerrett says:

    Yes the one on the ottom left is an Acer 3680 with a 1.86 celeron, that runs 10.5 no problem. I purchased it new for $299, and it WAS running vista terribly. Of course I did not submit the photo to the other guys Doc. Although I do cheat and read TUAW everyday. Thanks for the post.

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