iPhone firmware 1.1.3 – Like a fine wine, the iPhone gets sweeter with time - Macenstein

iPhone firmware 1.1.3 – Like a fine wine, the iPhone gets sweeter with time

Assuming the above Gear Live video of a beta version of the iPhone’s upcoming 1.1.3 firmware is legit (and it is looking pretty legit) then the iPhone is about to get a whole lot cooler (no easy feat). Multiple SMS address, (in-the-ballpark) GPS via Google Maps, Multiple springboards and dragable icons… you know, everything the iPhone should have had at launch. Looks pretty sweet, and I’m looking very much showing it off to my Verizon Voyager-owning in-law (hey Jere).

One Response to “iPhone firmware 1.1.3 – Like a fine wine, the iPhone gets sweeter with time”
  1. Rick says:

    So, looking forward to this.

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