When is a legally closed Mac site NOT a legally closed Mac site?
When it’s ThinkSecret, of course!
Faithful Macenstein reader Shackelford points out that ThinkSecret has published 3 new articles since its infamous December 20th “Apple, Think Secret settle lawsuit” post in which it was stated “Think Secret will no longer be published”.
Above: Apparently the phrase “Think Secret will no longer be published†is open to interpretation.
The three posts (two as recent as today) are standard news type articles posted in the “Secret Notes” section, and not the type of rumor-mongering fare that got ThinkSecret in hot water, but it calls into question just how kaput the site has to be per the terms of that mysterious Apple settlement. It seems ThinkSecret may only be mostly dead, and as Miracle Max will tell you, there’s a big difference between mostly dead, and all the way dead.
Maybe now TS has to be a pro-Apple shill?
…just like this site?
Oh please! Would an “Apple shill” write such a hard-hitting article as this one?
I think not.
-The Doc
Define “legally closed”.