OMFG! Jobs IS human! - Macenstein

OMFG! Jobs IS human!

A Rare Jobsian Brain Fart

Not that we would ever suggest Apple’s “big cat” theme is confusing… but its nice to see we’re not the only ones that have mistakenly called one OS by the other’s name.

Thanks (once again) to faithful Macenstein reader TheCos for the tip (we may have to start paying him!).

7 Responses to “OMFG! Jobs IS human!”
  1. Kevin says:

    See? MACS crash too.

  2. Rowlings says:

    I’m not sure this is proof that Jobs is human. I think it is more a testament to how far the Mac’s Speech technology has come that occasional “errors” can be thrown in to make the Mac Cyborg appear more human.

  3. TheCos says:

    MUCH more realistic than Gates. Vista still has a lot of catching up to do.

  4. Scott says:

    I thought I was the only one who noticed that. Even master Yoda can make mistakes!

  5. Turk says:

    I’m not sure I believe this. Jobs always wears the same attire and has a black background during his keynotes. Somebody could easily splice clips together, you can’t see the leopard screen in the background while he is saying Tiger. I feel like if this actually happened he would have a) corrected himself or b) somebody at the keynote would have pointed it out earlier.

  6. Geoff says:

    There was another slip up when he was talking about smartphone marketshare. About 9 minutes into the keynote he gave the wrong number for Nokia.

  7. Peter says:

    I just watched the 2007 Mac-Note, and even though he warned he might mess up with the name of the AppleTV (instead calling it by the name of iTV), I only heard him use the AppleTV tittle once, or twice.

    All in all, I think that everyone was off of their game this year. The Mac-Note sucked.

    2007 gave us the iPhone, yes, but it also had a lot more pop and pizzaz regarding everything else.

    I was bored with this year’s, not to mention making me fast forward to the end once Randy Newman came one, (does he put anyone else to sleep?).

    Yeah, I think that we should be looking at more of a Bio-Android point of view.

    Can anyone say Bishop? : )

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