One More Thing… Steve Jobs’ Greatest Hits
(iPhone users click here to watch the video)
Elephant Larry, the comedy group that brought us that awesome MineSweeper video a while back, now bring us “One More Thing… Steve Jobs’ Greatest Hits“. I thought I paid fairly close attention to most Stevenotes, but somehow I only remember a handful of these…
Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader jerbrem for the tip!
(I can’t believe we now have 6 videos in a row…)
sorry guys, but i’m dissapointed my macenstein at the moment – 6 embedded video posts in a row! Don’t you have anything useful to write about? not up to your usual standards…
Actually, Bob, no, we don’t. PLEASE send us news tips!
Although, it’s nice to see you could run an entire website based on nothing but Apple parody videos from YouTube.
Pretty good. What made me laugh a couple times was just imaging the audience’s reaction if Steve actually just went insane and did one of those one year. The stunned silence would be awesome!
One more thing… Just mildly amusing.
Macenstein.. YouTube is good but gosh.. too many YouTube videos 🙂
Maybe you could just find more Mac chicks? That’s what we need in the cold and dark winter.. brrrr..
Cheers from Iceland