Unilever’s “shuffle pops” sighted

Gizmodo has managed to find pictures of the legendary “Brazilian iPod shuffle popsicle“, long thought to be extinct until Unilever’s Kibon ice cream brand found 10,000 of the skittish creatures in some god-forsaken jungle, and decided to give them away as a promotion. Apparently, Apple had a hand in helping to certify the “Shuffle pop”‘s packaging would keep the iPod safe in store freezer conditions. While the packaging is clever, it does seem a little lame that if you were lucky enough to find a frozen shuffle, you have to then call the Kibon hotline to get them to send you earbuds and a charger so you can actually use the darn thing.
Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader wyclef for the tip.
Dude I’m Brazilian living in the USa, An admit it sucks if you just found the ipod ancan ot use for one wek, until the cables warranty arrives at your house.
In other hand a ipod shuffle cost likes R$ 350, wich is about the same of $175(yes Brazil has the most expensve ipod in the world)
Saying that average Brazilian livi with R$ 1,100 wich is about the same of, $750 Per month.
I would say no one is gonna care about to wait a wek to use or sel de ipod.