IntelliSchool Free is released – Free open source school database system

Macenstein has a huge FileMaker following (well, one reader, I know of anyway), so I thought it only fitting to pass this bit of news along. Faithful UK Macenstein reader Simon Elliott writes:
“I wrote a school pupil data system in FileMaker Pro three years ago and it has been used in a school ever since.
When I wrote the system, the most frustrating thing was being unable to find a good, open FileMaker template for a school data system. Everyone who wrote a good system, naturally, wanted to make money from it.
Three years on, I feel it is time to give it away to the community to help someone else in another school get a head start. The only condition is that any improvements must be given back to the community and no-one may make money from the file or any derivative of it.
I have placed a link on the Free Software page at to the Sourceforge site hosting the project. Instructions are there for using the file.”
Thanks Simon! Those sure are some bold colors!
Speaking of the free software, you may remember a million years ago we told you about Simon’s Free Mac Software page where he lists hundreds of useful open source and free Mac apps that cover pretty much every aspect of the Mac universe, from games to bioscience. Simon says (ohhhh…) he added a bunch of new apps to the list, so go check it out, and start downloading.
Well i guess i HAVE to go check them out then, since you said “Simon says”. 🙂
this is wonderful resource for any school running on a mac platform. thanks for sharing!