Show your iPhone a good time with iNdependence v1.4
Our good friend Will over at IntoMobile has alerted us that iNdependence v1.4 beta 5 has been released.

So what is iNdependence? Well, according to the above picture, it will either Jailbreak your iPhone, or have sex with it.
Actually, iNdependence bills itself as a Mac-only “easy-to-use interface for jailbreak, activation, SSH installation, and ringtone/wallpaper/application installation on your iPhone.” This is the first 1.1.4 firmware hack we’ve seen, and initial reports indicate it seems to work well (for most people).
Will has published a 9 step guide to using iNdependence, but really it is a 3 step guide of 1) download 2) open 3) hit “Jailbreak”. Seems pretty simple. Will tested it on his original v1 iPhone, running the old bootloader with no problem, so if you are brave and into voiding warranties, check out iNdependece, and let us know how it goes.
I think the pictures is awesome. And fitting.
It worked alright with mine. Now I have a nice unlocked iPhone (in Greece).