A little something for the ladies… Justin Long naked - Macenstein

A little something for the ladies… Justin Long naked


Well, here’s a little something for the ladies. A Shirtless Justin “I’m a Mac” Long on vacation. (Yes, that’s Drew Barrymore he’s with. Looks like Justin’s got game!)

We actually found some shots of John Hodgman on vacation with Ethel Barrymore, but in the interest of good taste, we’re not publishing them.

More pics of the happy couple after the jump

[images via UseMyComputer]

13 Responses to “A little something for the ladies… Justin Long naked”
  1. Shervin says:

    lol, unique post 😀

  2. SHRIKEE says:

    he’s as thin as a macbook air…

  3. Jubei says:

    Drew also looks great. Lost some weight there and it looks good on her.

  4. Jubei,
    you mean it looks good “off” her.
    -The Doc

  5. Drew’s in a good shape too. Thought she was fatter. Very nice couple!

  6. TheCos says:

    I think I might look good on her…

  7. Elf says:

    *ahem* – not _just_ for the ladies, people…


  8. weow says:

    elf you homo…

  9. Dave-O says:

    Wait, the Mac guy is in these pictures? For some crazy reason, that wasn’t what drew (ha! total accident) my attention.

  10. darn_gwm says:

    Elf… amen buddy.

    Love 2 All,
    Darren & Wayne

  11. Jason says:

    he wasn’t naked. naked means not wearing any clothes and he had a bathing suit on. False advertising

  12. Kris Langin says:

    He Looks Different From when he was in Jeepers Creepers, he actually had an extremely hot bod in that film, abs `n` all, but in the 3rd pic it looks like he has lil love handles

  13. Kris Langin says:

    Still Hott tho

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