Celebrity Mac Chick sighting: Heidi Montag - Macenstein

Celebrity Mac Chick sighting: Heidi Montag

Above: Heidi Montag’s video for her song “Higher” recently debuted at #7 on iTunes, I assume because the song is so good.

Aw, what the hell? Let’s make it three Mac chicks in a row! Here we see The Hills‘ stars Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt out for a bit of shopping, and Heidi is clearly rocking the iPhone.

[Photos via Splash News via The Superficial]

10 Responses to “Celebrity Mac Chick sighting: Heidi Montag”
  1. Dave-O says:

    That Spencer Pratt is a good looking fellow, isn’t he? It’s an unusual shape for a head, but so much more useful than, say Ashton Kutcher’s 🙂

  2. Rajje says:

    I watched the video just to check her out. And wow, I have heard some terribly bad songs in my life, but this …. Wow …
    I mean, you sometimes watch bad videos with crap music, because they are hot enough to compensate for it. But this song is so bad that I’m not sure if I would to agree to listen to the whole song, even if I actually got laid as compensation.

  3. ma77 says:

    she can walk and smile and use her iphone at the same time.

  4. Sgt. Pepper says:

    She is pretty damn hot though!

  5. Dean Gray says:

    How does she use the iphone with nails like that O_O

  6. Brett says:

    We shouldn’t associate such a good product with two biggest idiots in the celebrity media landscape.

    As superficial.com once well said, Spencer & Heidi should be hit by a bus.

  7. elias says:

    Ever since the iPhone was released, Spencer has been clearly using one on the show. Even this season he’s still prominently using (or playing with) one while on camera.

    Whitney also has an iPhone, which she was always shown using on camera while in Paris. I think she had one of those black silicone skins on it, though.

  8. imajoebob says:

    Heidi who?
    Not my idea of a celebrity. Probably sits at the table with Taran Noah Smith at the charity events.

  9. Tice says:

    Naa, she’s an Apple Chick. It’s not a Mac, it’s an iPhone!

  10. John says:

    Could anyone tell me what ringtone Heidi and Spencer use with their iPhone?
    You can see this on the Second Season, Episode 1, minute 4 or 5.
    You can watch the show on mtv.com
    Please somebody help me!

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